Friday 30 March 2012


Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine,
after the rain

Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God’s always ready,
To answer your call

He knows every heartache,
sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
can calm every fear

Your sorrows may linger,
throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
in dawn’s early light

The Savior is waiting,
somewhere above,
To give you His grace,
and send you His love ..

Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
“God always sends rainbows
after the rain.”


I knelt to pray but not for long.
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer
And jumped up off my knees.
My Christian duty was now done.
My soul could rest at ease.

Now all day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer.
No time to speak of Christ to friends.
They’d laugh at me I’d fear.

“No time.  No time.  Too much to do.”
That was my constant cry.
No time to give to souls in need.
At last the time to die.

I went before the Lord, I came,
I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book.
It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said,
“Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down
But never found the time.”


I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish,
I didn’t have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
Why doesn’t God help me? I wondered,
He answered, “You didn’t ask.”

I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on, gray and bleak.
I wondered why God didn’t show me,
He said, “But you didn’t seek.”

I tried to come into God’s presence,
I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child, you didn’t knock.”

I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish
That I had to take time to pray.


This is a realm of Your glory
This is a realm of Your grace
I can feel Your mighty power
It is moving in this place

We’re in the presence of angels
With God’s glory on their wings
Like the voice of many waters
I can hear the angels sing

Holy, holy, holy, holy
Worthy, worthy, worthy, worthy
Glory, glory, glory, glory

This is a realm of Your glory
This is a realm of Your grace
All my heart’s desire is to see Your face

" LAY IT DOWN " - Jaci Velasquez


I've been lookin' till my eyes are tired of lookin'
Listenin' till my ears are numb from listenin'
Prayin' till my knees are sore from kneelin' on the bedroom floor
I know that you know that my heart is achin'
I'm running out of tears and my will is breakin'
I don't think that I can carry the burden of it anymore
All of my hopes and my dreams and my best laid plans,
Are slowly slippin' through my folded hands


So I'm gonna lay it down
I'm gonna learn to trust You now
What else can I do?
Cause everything I am depends on You
And if the sun don't come back up
I know Your love will be enough
I'm gonna let it be, I'm gonna let it go,
I'm gonna lay it down.


I've been walkin' through this world like I'm barely livin'
Buried in the doubt of this hole I've been diggin'
But You're pullin' me out
I'm finally breathin' in the open air
This room may be dark but I'm finally seein'
There's a new ray of hope, and now I'm believin'
That the past is past, and the future's beginning to look brighter now
Oh, cause all of my hopes and my dreams and my best laid plans
Are safe and secure when I place them in Your hands


So I'm gonna lay it down
I'm gonna learn to trust You now
Oh what else can I do,
Cause everthing I am depends on You
And if the sun don't come back up
I know Your love will be enough
I'm gonna let it be, I'm gonna let it go,
I'm gonna lay it down
I'm gonna lay it down
I'm gonna lay it down.


Verse 1

As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Til the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need
In my life you’re all that matters
In my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me
When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you
I’d be lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraid
Without you there to see me through
Imagine me without you
Lord, you know it’s just impossible
Because of you, it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can’t imagine me without you

Verse 2

When you caught me I was falling
You’re love lifted me back on my feet
It was like you heard me calling
And you rush to set me free
When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you


When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you oh


I can’t imagine me without you